Monday, November 30, 2020

Im going to a different school soon :)

Im gonna go to kaiti school after the holidays and my freinds will go to gis int after the holidays because we are moving houses. im not gonna see my freinds in 2 years or 3 or 1 I dont know how long but i think 2 years. This was just a little messege before my blog in the makaraka site goes away.


Friday, November 13, 2020

Amistice Day

Armistice day is when a truce is called during the fight in world war 2 or 1, it happend on the 11 November 1918. we pretended we were soldiers in the world war 2,at the 11th time the 11th day an the 11th month, on wednesday our class tawirimatea where celibrating armisticeday. when were doing it i was soldier with some other of my friends. it kinda like assembly but we were the teachers, but we acctualy werent.

Monday, October 19, 2020

My Term 4 2020 quotes

This is my term 4 2020 quotes and reflections
please look on this every week because i will be updating it.


Saturday, October 17, 2020


Sooooo a lonnngg time ago in 2019 I made my first scratch game but now, I’ve made another game it’s called lost 1 I’m still working on it it’s only for people who are on computers I’m not on one though but it works.
Also thanks YouTube for helping me with this. Its not finished because i can only make it on computer not on mobile so yeah.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Our Trip to the museum

1. Yesterday we went to the museum, first we learnt about some tools
Days, like AGES AGO, 1 of the tools was a drill thing that you spin 
round and round and it makes holes for you, another one was a plant 
that they use for water when there going on long journeys, theres also 
more tools but you know what we'll save that for the end.

2. After that we went fo a tresure hunt, well its more like a Moari 
 Olden Day Object Hunt i guess, We had to find 6 things here are two 
of them... Anchor stone, I actualy dont know what it does so yeah?
another one is the fish hooks, i chose this because i forgot the others.
Then we watched a movie in this thing called the star dome,
days, then we watched another movie which was a one about maui 
and the north island, he pulled up a REALY BIG FISH, but i dont think 
its real, because there is no fish in the world that big, and theres also no
one who can pull a fish up that big.

3. after we looked at some of the stars and constelations in the star dome
we saw some shooting stars and satelites also, the lady used a projecter to 
put the movie on the walls, it was REALY DARK, and i mean REAAAAAAALY
DARK, when we got out of the dome we went on a little walk around the museum l
looking at all the cool stuff around, we also went up in the boat, the LADDER WAS
RIGGED well not REALLLY rigged just kinda rigged. THEN WE WENT BACK


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

MY DLO Digital learning object

Today we made  DLOs which mean digital learning objects, we made vokis to display our values. My values are making sensible learning and behaviour choices. my other one is following school and class rules. my 3rd one is taking risks, and my last one is respecting and accepting others diffences. at the bottom is my values

Friday, September 18, 2020

The Upcoming Shop Day.

when its the 22nd of september we are having a shop day for animals, we have made, dog treats, horse treats, rabbit treats, cat treats. And our group is making bird feeders, which have peanut butter, seeds, And we used pinecones for the base. we put peanut butter on the edges of the things, and then we put seeds on the peanut butter for the birds to eat. 

By Noah Pardy

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


This are the values that me and my team made, the people in my team are, William, Theo, Dylan, and me.
i made actions, which is the one on the left. Dylan made the Middle which is well-being.  William made attidude which is on the right. and Theo did nothing.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Our Trip to the Enviro Centre

A couple of days ago we went to the Enviro centre with Kirsty.
Kirsty is at the Enviro Centre and she helps people learn how to care for the planet and be plastic-free.
At the Enviro Centre we went in groups, the first station I went was where people get old food that’s only on the same date till it’s expired, and they put the food in bags, and send the bags to people that need food, like poor people. My second station was where we learnt about were we put plastic and paper in and other stuff. My third station was where we got to eat Peas 🍅 and carrots and...
Then we had lunch, we didn’t eat the carrots and stuff we just ate our normal lunch 🥙...
After lunch we did this thing were we pick out of these lunch box’s and find what’s plastic and bad for the environment.
After we made beeswax wrappers because there not bad like glad wrap,
This is us making them.

By Noah Pardy

Friday, September 4, 2020

Cross Country

Last week we did Cross Country. i came 6th place.
my brother oscar came 3rd to last becuse hes only litle and this is the first time oscar did cross country,
It was very fun and tiring because we had to climb up this big as mountain, and get to the top, when we got to the top we had to go back down and that was very hard.
i wonder if i can get first/ second. third place next year.

By Noah Pardy

Monday, August 3, 2020

Term 2 quotes and reflections.

sorry that i havent published this yet but now its here  Term 2 quotes and reflections,
I made this last year so its finished. Please read it before term 3 quotes and reflections. 
okay Byeeeeeeee

Monday, July 27, 2020

Term 3 Quotes and reflections

this my quotes and reflections please read it.  my first week is about the holidays.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Term 3 2020 maths grid results

This is my Term 3 2020 Mathts Grid it is pretty good, but we've only done one maths grid this year.
The challenge is to beat Mrs Hall, she's our Teacher.
during last term i got Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Better at maths, because of this fun game called Multiverse . i am still wondering if i can beat my teacher in maths.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

My tawhirimatea Art.

This is my art of tawhirimatea.
Mrs mill told us to do it and to make it look nice.
the spirals are wind and that guy up there on the top is tawhirimatea.
i used adventure time grass for the ground cause i know how to do that, i also made it look like the leafs were coming of the tree.
it took a lot of days to finish it and we used pastels and dye for the colours.

the background is dye only

Thursday, June 25, 2020

T.E.D. Lab. Rocket lab reading. kiwis in space

This is my kiwis in space reading thing for T.E.D. lab.
it is about rockets, we had to do all of these questions about
rocket lab. some are in the speacker notes on slides.
heres a link if you want to read it and see the questions on the speacker notes.

thanks for reading. also read the kiwis in space. please👋

5 stars rocket design

this is our teams rocket design it is for T.E.D. Lab.
it took a long time to make probly about a week.

or less👾👾👾👾👾👾

we are using it for our rocket launch, we have already launched it once but that was for a test.
but remember read the saftey poster on my blog, otherwise a rocket wil fly in your face.
😀😀😀😀😀😀😀thanks for reading😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

dont forget to read my other posts and my older posts bye👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

Rileys shared lunch(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:

Today was rileys shared lunch, i got realy exited about it but also sad☹️😞
but we also got lots of yummy stuff, but my mum didnt bring anything beause 
she didnt read my teachers email):
im sad because riley is leaving            so 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
this is what we got.

cake, chocalate, cupcakes😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 cookies, sausages, but the one i liked is...


thank you for reading bye☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️😟😟😟😩😩😩😞.

by noah...

5 Stars Rocket Lab Morals

this is our 5 stars morals from nasa. we have to write about the morals that rocket lab does because we are launching rockets so we need to know rocket labs morals .
please read😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

T.E.D. Lab. 5 Stars statabillity test

this is our statabillity test. we have to see if our rocket is stable on this and if it is secure.
thank you please read it👩👈💇😗💭😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥😟😟😟😟😟😟😟😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

my snake report

this is my snake report it is my last report, pease read it. thank you😜😛😛😐😐😐😐😐😐😛

Thursday, June 18, 2020

my tiger report

on thursday i made this tiger report it took kinda long to make.
please read it it has some facts about tigers.
if you have read my hippo report you might know what this is.
please read it😦

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Heath and Saftey poster. five starsssssssssss(:

this is our saftey poster for ted lab.
if you did not read my company profile then you might have no 😤 idea what it is.
please read it. now, NOWWWWW.

heath and saftey poster 
5 starsss

make sure you count down,
 before launching the rocket.

to stay safe you need to have saftey glasses in case
the rocket flies in you face...

i just write that because i wanted too😈.

you also need a saftey vest,
so you will be seen and so
the other teams know what
team you are in and to
keep safe when the rocket, goes off.
you also need to keep a good distance 
from the rocket before launching.

thanks for readinggggggggg😊💥👦✊👤👆😀😀😀😀

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

my hippo report

today i finished my hippo report, we were doing it with mrs mill.
it took hard work to make it look nice.
i will read it to you...
Facts about hippos

Habitat...               hippos live in africa. they like to live in places with lots of water.

 they also spend up to 16 hours a day in water.

i will now read you a hippos diet.

hippos are herbivores, if they see fruit they will grab it and eat it
they like to eat grass.

well these are the last facts. appearance.......

hippos big heads have ears, eyes and nostrills on the top of their heads,
 to keep them out of the water. 

Thank you for reading 😀😎😁😁😁😁😁😁😁💥💥💥💥😓😒😑😆😆😆😆

Friday, May 29, 2020

my company profile

A couple of days ago i did my company file. Last year we did S.E.S.  it was for saving the kids from bombs and stuff in london but i forgot to do a blog post about it. My company file is the picture above.
this company profile is about rockets and my jobs and stuff like that. the triangle up there is from the show Gravity Falls, i put my face in him because my profile picture is him. My first job is...
being an astronomer an astronomer observes planets and stars and other stuff like that. My second job is mission control. Misson control is in charge of all the computers and makes sure the rocket dosent go off course. My team name is 5 stars, the peolpe in my group are...
Elidilh Libby Cass Zion and of cause, me. we also have other groups like. Rockt nerds, N.J.R.L. K.K.B.B.W and ya know stuff like that. But, all of our names together stands for. T.E.D. Lab. it stands  for tawhirimatea engineering design lab. thanks for reading byeeeeeeeeeee

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

maths Grid 2020 term 2 Results

I am trying to get better at doing my maths better.
im not realy good at it. so im gonna do it when my tablet runs out or the nintendo switch.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

My wind cars

Today I made a wind car.
Wind cars are these things that can move in wind, we used a hair blower to move them.
Our first car was a small one it was made out of LEGO, we used a chopstick and a piece of paper for the sails, we made two, cars one was small, and one was big, but the big one wasn’t made out of LEGO, it was made out of plastic.
I learned that lots of things can be pushed or moved by air.
I enjoyed testing to see if it worked, and making it.
I am still wondering if I can make a third one.

Monday, May 11, 2020

my hero engine

My task today is to make this blog post because i did this a couple days ago. On friday we made a hero engine, a hero engine is a machine made out of plastic. To make it you tie a string to a can put some holes in the can and fill it up with water and then you take it out and...
it spins!!!!!!!.
We did it because my teacher set it out for me to do. we did about 6 hero engines we used Vcans from the rubbish and Charlies cans also, from, the, rubbish.
I found that the big holes spun faster then the little holes that were poked on our can. 
I enjoyed making the hero engines of course.
 I am still wondering if i can make the smaller holes faster then the big holes.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Straw Rockets

on tuesday me and my mum made straw rockets.
there these things where you use a straw to shoot them out and this is how far they went.
Rocket 1 was the big rocket we made it out of paper.  It travelled much slower due to its size going 2 metres distance. Our smaller Rocket 2 travelled much further at 6.5 metres distance. So i learned the lighter rocket went further than the heavier rocket because the heavier rocket pulled it down or mabye because it was broken.

my space food

today i made some space food.
i did it because i had to do it for school.
i learned a lot to be creative it was very helpfull
i enjoyed making the food it was very fun.
i used tomatos bananas chocalate sprinkles a cookie and some basil or leaves or whatever there called.
my mum also helped me make it she had most of the ideas.
i am still wondering if i can make it better.

my rubbish eating alien

today my task was to make a rubbish eating alien ,this is him.
i did it because i had to make it for school and, because my mum said i had to do it heh.
i learned how to use google drawings a lot it realy helped me to learn that.
i enjoyed making the alien... well of course thats true why would anyone not like making it.
i am still wondering if i can give him five arms, would that look cool?


Monday, May 4, 2020

my animaition

today my task is to make this animaition. i did it because i thought about making it today, i learned how to use google slides a bit more.
 i enjoyed making the animaition of course, i also loved the charecters i put in my slideshow.
im still wondering if i can make it longer next time

my art robot

Today my task was to bui
ld a lego/paper robot. I did it because I wanted to do mrs moats weekly art challenge, we had to make a piece of art last week but this week we made a robot. I learned how to build a cool😎 thing using LEGO. 
I enjoyed making his face and drawing, of course.
I still am wondering if, I can, win the...


Monday, April 20, 2020

my catapult plane

my catapult plane
my task today is to make a catapult plane in lockdown. its when you make a plane and put a hole in where you usaly throw it. you tie a rubber band/hair tie where you made that hole and then you...

we did it so we could learn about flying, i learned how to make it fly and i also learnt a bit of mesurement by steps. 
i enjoyed making and drawing on my plane it was very fun, i also had another plane but i lost it so that wasnt very fun. it only flyes 8 meters also.

i wonder if i can fly it higher or further than mrs hall.

thanks for reading

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

How good am i at my time tables?

On monday we learnt how to do sheets it was very cool and we had to put our times tables on it to see how good we are at our times tables .
we did it because our teacher wanted to see how good we are at our time tables.
it was pretty cool to do and i do better if i don't sit by someone i'm not going to talk too.
i wonder if i beat my teacher mrs hall in maths.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What i am getting better at

here is my slide show of what i am getting better at.
we were learing about reflections and goals.
im doing it because i want to get better at my writing

my favourite part was writing my favourite things

thank your for reading this and watching the thing i will put more on it soon