A couple of days ago i did my company file. Last year we did S.E.S. it was for saving the kids from bombs and stuff in london but i forgot to do a blog post about it. My company file is the picture above.
this company profile is about rockets and my jobs and stuff like that. the triangle up there is from the show Gravity Falls, i put my face in him because my profile picture is him. My first job is...
being an astronomer an astronomer observes planets and stars and other stuff like that. My second job is mission control. Misson control is in charge of all the computers and makes sure the rocket dosent go off course. My team name is 5 stars, the peolpe in my group are...
Elidilh Libby Cass Zion and of cause, me. we also have other groups like. Rockt nerds, N.J.R.L. K.K.B.B.W and ya know stuff like that. But, all of our names together stands for. T.E.D. Lab. it stands for tawhirimatea engineering design lab. thanks for reading byeeeeeeeeeee