Friday, September 18, 2020

The Upcoming Shop Day.

when its the 22nd of september we are having a shop day for animals, we have made, dog treats, horse treats, rabbit treats, cat treats. And our group is making bird feeders, which have peanut butter, seeds, And we used pinecones for the base. we put peanut butter on the edges of the things, and then we put seeds on the peanut butter for the birds to eat. 

By Noah Pardy

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


This are the values that me and my team made, the people in my team are, William, Theo, Dylan, and me.
i made actions, which is the one on the left. Dylan made the Middle which is well-being.  William made attidude which is on the right. and Theo did nothing.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Our Trip to the Enviro Centre

A couple of days ago we went to the Enviro centre with Kirsty.
Kirsty is at the Enviro Centre and she helps people learn how to care for the planet and be plastic-free.
At the Enviro Centre we went in groups, the first station I went was where people get old food that’s only on the same date till it’s expired, and they put the food in bags, and send the bags to people that need food, like poor people. My second station was where we learnt about were we put plastic and paper in and other stuff. My third station was where we got to eat Peas 🍅 and carrots and...
Then we had lunch, we didn’t eat the carrots and stuff we just ate our normal lunch 🥙...
After lunch we did this thing were we pick out of these lunch box’s and find what’s plastic and bad for the environment.
After we made beeswax wrappers because there not bad like glad wrap,
This is us making them.

By Noah Pardy

Friday, September 4, 2020

Cross Country

Last week we did Cross Country. i came 6th place.
my brother oscar came 3rd to last becuse hes only litle and this is the first time oscar did cross country,
It was very fun and tiring because we had to climb up this big as mountain, and get to the top, when we got to the top we had to go back down and that was very hard.
i wonder if i can get first/ second. third place next year.

By Noah Pardy